   Editorial Staff
   Editorial Requirements
       Editorial Requirements

1. Editorial office accepts for publication in the Journal “Naukovyi Visnyk Donbasu” the articles that according to the Decree of the Highest Attestation Committee Administrative Committee No. 7-05/1 dated January15, 2003, contain the following mandatory elements: statement of the problem and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of the latest publications and scientific research in which the problem has been discussed and which constitute the basis for the author’s research; outlining the elements within the main problem that remain unsolved and that the article will deal with; determination of the objectives of the article; presentation of the material of the article along with author’s findings; resume of such presentation and perspectives of this problem’s investigation in the future. All the above-mentioned elements should be stylistically indicated in the article, but they do not need to have graphical expression. Publication of the article is free of charge.

2. The article should have a high scientific level.

3. The authors of the articles are fully responsible for the authenticity of the material, observance of the legislation on copyright and related rights, the accuracy of the data provided and the quality of the actual material (quotes, proper names, formulas, statistics, etc.).

The authors should submit the articles in these two languages: Ukrainian and English.

The article should be prepared as a Microsoft Word document. Page layout: А4 format, all margins (top, bottom, right and left) are 2 сm, page footers are 1.25 cm, Times New Roman font, 14-point type, line spacing is 1.5.

Information about UDC is placed in the top left corner, regular font style and no indentation.

The author’s initials, last name, and the information about the workplace should be placed at the top left corner of the document a paragraph later from the UDC, boldface italic type, no indentation.

The title of the article should be given a paragraph later in boldface capital letters; no indentation; center alignment.

The first line indent in both the text of the article and references is 1.25 cm; center alignment.

The formulas shall be inserted by means of Microsoft Equation 3.0 according to the following parameters: boldface type, 14-point type, main script is 10 points, additional script is 8 points; big symbol is 20 points, small symbol is 10 points.
Images, photos, diagrams, figures, and drawings should be inserted in the document, no text wrapping around the object. The font of the text in the diagrams, figures, and drawings is Times New Roman, 12-point type.

Each formula, table, figure, and diagram requires a corresponding indication in the text.

References to the sources are given in square brackets after quotations. The first figure is the number of the source in the list of sources following the article, the second figure is the page in the referenced source, e.g. [1, p. 28].

The list of sources and notes are given at the end of the article after the word “References” in the order of appearance. They are organized according to general bibliographic requirements with the indication of publishing house and total pages.
Bibliographic sources are given indented; the author’s last name (or the first word of the title) should be bold. Example:


      1. Міщик Л. І. Соціальна педагогіка / Л. І. Міщик. – К. : ІЗМН, 1997. – 140 с.
      2. Актуальні проблеми соціально-педагогічної роботи / А. Й. Капська, О. В. Безпалько, Р. Х. Вайнола / За заг. ред. А.Й. Капської. – К. : ІЗМН, 2002. – 164 с.
      3. Алексєєва В. І. Місія соціального педагога / В. І. Алексєєва // Соц. робота. – 2005. – № 12. – С. 16 – 20.
      4. Пуховська Л. П. Професійна підготовка вчителів у країнах Західної Європи в другій половині ХХ століття: Автореф. дис. … докт. пед. наук : 13.00.04 «Теорія і методика професійної освіти» / Л. П. Пуховська. – К., 1998. – 41 с.
      5. Борисенко В. І. Наукова школа академіка В. Я. Юр'єва [Електронний ресурс] / В. І. Борисенко // Історія науки і біографістика. – 2006. – Вип. 1. – Режим доступу: http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/E-Journals/INB/2006-1/06bvisaj.html. – Загол. з екрану.

The references in the English variant of the article should be given as follows: the author’s last name, initials and the title of the article are to be transliterated, and then the translation in English is to be given in square brackets, followed by full stop. It is necessary to mention the place and year of publication, total pages, issue number and pages of the article (only for periodicals). The place of publication should be not abbreviated (Kyiv, Luhansk, etc.). While making reference to a journal, you should write the official journal title in English. It can be either translated or transliterated; as a rule, it is available on the journal website. If the official title is not available in English, you should transliterate it. Publisher and journal title are to be given in italics. Use abbreviation p. for “page” (Pp. for “pages” in the periodicals) and No. for “number”. At the end of each transliterated reference source you should mention the language of the original work: (ukr), (rus). For example:

1. Kursonov Ju. V. Analitika: metodologiya, tekhnologiya i organizatsiya informatsionno-analiticheskoy raboty [Analytics: Methodology, Techniques, and Organization of Information Analytics]. Moscow, Rusaki. 2004. 512 p. (rus)

2. Pustovit H. P. Pozashkil’na osvita ta vykhovannya kriz’ pryzmu syohodennya [Extracurricular Education through the Prism of Today]. Ridna shkola. 2009. No. 3 (963). Pp. 28 – 33. (ukr)

The author shall check the sources he/she refers to for the registered Digital Identifier (Digital Object Identifier, DOI). DOI of an original work can be found on the website
http://www.crossref.org/Simple TextQuery.

The abstracts in Ukrainian shall be given a paragraph later from the last reference source with the first line indented; single spacing.

Author 1 (last name and initials), Author 2 (last name and initials)
Abstract (22 lines)
Key words (3 – 5 terms)

The abstract in Russian shall be given a paragraph later from the Ukrainian one:

Author 1 (last name and initials)
Author 2 (last name and initials), Author 3 (last name and initials)
Abstract (22 lines)
Key words (3 –5 terms)

The abstract in English shall be given a paragraph later from the Russian one:

Author 1 (last name and initials)
Author 2 (last name and initials), Author 3 (last name and initials)
Abstract (22 lines)
Key words (3 –5 terms)

A paragraph later with the first line indented the author’s personal details should be provided: author’s first name, last name, and patronymic; scientific degree; author’s position; place of work; main scientific interests; address; and contact telephone number.

The article should be accompanied with a review prepared by a leading scientist(s) (doctor of sciences or professor) or with an abstract of the minutes of faculty meeting with the recommendation for press.

The articles are submitted in print format in a single copy along with its electronic variants (Microsoft Word document in one of the following formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf; the name of the file consists of the author’s last name, symbol “_” and language, for example: Ivanov_ua.docx and Ivanov_eng.docx).

Articles that do not meet these requirements of submittion and organization will not be considered and published. The editorial office reserves the right to edit and shorten the articles.



© Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, 2014